It's not the new normal, it's just new.
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April 20, 2021
By Shirin Tinati
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When the pandemic began, like so many, I was worried about my business and my livelihood. A significant percentage of my clients are actors so when film and t.v. productions and New York Theaters shut down indefinitely, the panic began to set in. Not only is photography my career, but it is my passion. The longest I have ever not worked is 3 weeks (since 2001!). I felt a part of me was moving away. Though my doors opened back up last July, things were not the same. But as the weeks went by, I slowly dove into educating myself about my craft. I learned photoshop like a pro (ok, a semi-pro ;). I explored, I played, and most importantly, I took some horrible pictures. I had time to experiment, I had the time to trip and fall flat on my face on roads I've never travelled. I am up and running at about 70% and I am so thankful to be thriving. Its nice to have the opportunity to fall in love with my career again. 

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